マクリッチー貯水池公園サル観察ツアー MacRitchie Reservoir Park Monkey Guided Walk 

サルのガイドウォークに参加。ガイドの方の解説がとても詳しく,学ぶことが多かった。シンガポールに生息するサルは2種類で,このLong-tailed Macaque(オナガザル)は森林から街中の公園まで広くみられる種類(別名,Crab-eating Macaque; カニクイザル)。食べ物は,木の実や葉,花のほか,昆虫を食べる。土を食べることもあるというがこれはミネラル補給のためと考えられている。大人のオスを中心に群れを作って生活している。寿命は25年程度。天敵は鷹などで,特に子供のサルが狙われる。

 Joined the Guided Walk of Monkey in MacRitchie Reservoir Park. The guide was very profesional and I learned a lot. There are two kinds of monkeys that inhabit the Singapore, and this Long-tailed Macaque is widely seen from forest to park in the city (aka, Crab-eating Macaque). They eat nuts, leaves, flowers and insects. They also eat soil because of the mineral replenishment. It lives by making the crowd centering on the male of the adult. The lifespan is about 25 years. A natural enemy is a hawk, and especially child monkeys are often targeted.



Cautions when observing monkeys. It is ideal to keep a distance of around 5, 6m. If you get too close, it will stress for them. In particular, children and young monkeys may come close to humans, but they are curious and rarely harm. However, because they know that plastic bottles and plastic bags contain food, they must be put in the bag. Do not keep an eye on monkeys. When you look at it, it gives stress to them.

Monkeys living in parks and other places that are close to people learn that they can eat food from the trash and get food from people. Human food is high in calories and nutritional value and easy to obtain, and as same as humans, there is concern that it causes obesity and heart disease due to excessive intake.



1種類のBanded Leaf Monkeyは,生息地がCentral Catchment (中央貯水池)の森林に限られていて,個体数も少なく,シンガポールレッドデータブック絶滅危惧種に指定されている。

Another speceis of monkey, Banded Leaf Monkey, inhibits in the limited area in the forest of Central Catchment (central reservoir), and has a small population, They are designated as an endangered species in the Red Data Book of Singapore.


For the details on Banded Leaf Monkey please see the follwing site. 
