Simpoh Ayer

Dillenia suffruticosa, Simpoh Ayer (シンポー), Dilleniaceae (ビワモドキ科)

Origin: West Malesia, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo and Singapore

大きな葉と黄色の花が特徴的なこの樹種SImpoh Ayerは,二次林でよく見られる常緑低木で,沼沢地や林縁でもよく成長する。




Simpoh Ayer, characterized by large leaves and yellow flowers, is an evergreen shrub commonly found in secondary forests, and grows well in swampy area and forest edges.

It is also suggested that this tree species may indicate the presence of groundwater source because it has very deep taproots to reach groundwater sources.

The large yellow flowers open at 3 am and last only a day. They are pollinated by bees, small beetles, and flies.

Large leaves reaching 30 to 40 cm were once used to wrap food.


引用:Trees of our Garden City, NParks' Publication, 2009 


Photos at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve  


Photo: Botanic Gardens Learning Forest 

The red one is a fruit.