サザンリッジ野鳥観察会  Bird Watching Along the Southern Ridges

Henderson WaveからTelok Blangah Hill Parkを抜けてHort Parkに至るルート。橋や遊歩道からの視線が高く,緑地や樹林内に視線を下ろせる場所が多いので,野鳥観察にとても適している。今回2回目の参加だが,また多くの野鳥に会えた。

We walked from Henderson Wave throguh Telol Balangah Hill Park, and leached Hort Park. There are many good points for bird watching,where we can have relatively higher perspective from bridges and walk way to see landscape and trees.

This tour allowed us to get a lot of opportunities to see many kinds of birds.


Greater Racket-tailed Drongo; Dicrurus paradisus (オウチュウ属カザリオウチュウ)


Banded Woodpecker; Chrysophlegma miniaceum (シマベニアオゲラ)


Lineated Barbet ; Megalaima lineata シロボシオオゴシキドリ



Common Flameback (Female) ; Dinopium Javanense ズアカミユビゲラ (雌)


Black-naped Oriole ;Oriolus chinensis コウライウグイス


Yellow-vented Bulbul; Pycnonotus goiavier メグロヒヨドリ



Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Male) ; Treron vernas コアオバト